Organizations invited to collaborate or receive Digital Information
  • 17 Jan 2023
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Organizations invited to collaborate or receive Digital Information

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Article summary

You are part of a company or institution that is a facility owner or manager.  One of your service suppliers has invited you to BuiltSpace so you can receive service records, invoices, or other information about your buildings digitally in real-time. 

If your service supplier has shared Buildings with you, you can see them on the Buildings tab.  You can see all the Assets in all those Buildings on the Assets tab.

You can ask other service suppliers to join the same Buildings and add more Assets!  There is no need to have duplicate buildings, although it will take some coordination to get everything set up correctly.  We’re here to help!

On both the Buildings and Assets screens, you can click View Details on any Building or Asset to find more information about it.

Service Suppliers normally work by completing standardized Procedures on your equipment, and we call these completed procedures Inspections.  On the details screen, you can click the green Inspections button to see if your service supplier has shared their service activity with you, for a detailed history of the work done in that Building or on that Asset

Another way to see the history of completed Inspections is on the Inspections tab.  You’ll have to switch to the Shared tab to see the completed work that has been shared with you.

If your Supplier sends you digital Invoices, you can find those under the Inbox tab.

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