Work Categories
  • 25 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Work Categories

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Article summary

This article shows you how to add work categories in the Settings tab on the left Navigation Menu on the Admin Portal. Work Categories are used to determine the default Procedure that is displayed to a technician when performing an Inspection.

There are two types of Work Categories: Planned and Reactive. Work Categories provide users with an easy way of defining which Procedures are presented to technicians by default when using the BuiltSpace Service Twin® App.

How to add Work Categories

1. Navigate to Work Categories: Go to the Settings Tab on the Left Navigation Menu and click on Work Categories. To add a new Work Category, click on the + Work Category button.

2. Enter Work Category Details: A slide-out will open where you can enter the Title of the Work Category and the Type - Planned or Reactive. Click the green checkmark to save.

Setting up Work Categories in BuiltSpace is a straightforward process that plays a vital role in organizing work efficiently. By clearly defining categories, you can ensure that visits are properly aligned with the necessary procedures, thereby enhancing overall operational clarity and efficiency.

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