Materials, Tools and Suppliers
  • 25 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Materials, Tools and Suppliers

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Article summary

This article will teach you how to manage the Material Types, Tools and Suppliers in the Admin Portal Settings Tab.

Creating New Material Types

"Material Type" is a button in the Service Twin App (R)  when you use "Add Materials” on a procedure with that feature enabled.

By default, your Organization comes with the following types but these can be edited, or new ones created: PO, Tools, Truck Stock, 3rd Party, or Other.

  1. Navigate to the  Materials tab: Go to the Settings Tab on the Left Navigation Menu and click on Materials. To add new material, click on the + Material Type button.

  2. Fill out the form presented to you and click on the green checkmark when done. Red asterisks (*) denote required fields. Each field is explained in more detail below.

A - Title

Enter the Title for the Material Types.

B - Markup

Enter the Markup percentage (e.g. '20').

For example, a technical bought a motor for $100. The markup is 20%. The invoice will show $120 to the client.

C - Sales Tax

Enter the Sales Tax percentage (e.g. 5%).

For example, the sales tax will be calculated on the final invoice amount. It means 5% will be calculated on $120 which is $6. It will be shown separately as a line item.

D - Button Colour

Button Colour will allow you to set the button colour. Pick a medium-dark colour from the colour picker as that will be more prominently visible.

To delete a Material Type, click on the title of the item you wish to delete. In the slide-out, you can click the red trash sign to delete.

Creating New Tools

"Tools" is an option in the Service Twin App (R)  when you use "Add Materials” button on a procedure with that feature enabled.

  1. Navigate to the  Tools page: To view the Tools page, click on the Select List dropdown on the Materials tab and select Tools. To add a new Tool, click on the + Tool button.

  1. Fill out the form presented to you and click on the green checkmark when done. Each field is explained in more detail below.

A - Unit

Enter the title for the Tool.

B - Value

Enter the cost for the Tool to be shown on the invoice. For Eg. if it is $250, enter 250.

To delete a Tool, click on the title of the item you wish to delete. In the slide-out, you can click the red trash sign to delete.

Creating New Supplier

"Supplier" is an option in the Service Twin App (R)  when you use "Add Materials” button on a procedure with that feature enabled.

  1. Navigate to the  Supplier page: To view the Supplier page, click on the Select List dropdown on the Materials tab and select Supplier. To add a new Supplier, click on the + Supplier button.

  1. Fill out the form presented to you and fill out the Supplier details. Click on the green checkmark when done.

To delete a Supplier, click on the title of the item you wish to delete. In the slide-out, you can click the red trash sign to delete.

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