How do I Share Data with my Customer, Partner or Third Party Contractor?
  • 03 Jul 2024
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How do I Share Data with my Customer, Partner or Third Party Contractor?

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Article summary

Sharing Data with Customers, Partners or Third Party Contractors as Read-Only.

The Sharing Rules feature allows your organization to share the Service History of Assets with your Customers. Your customers will be able to view the Asset Service History in their own "BuiltSpace Organization". It is a great feature to keep your clients updated in real-time about the work that is being performed on their Assets.

Read-only access is typically in a simplified Customer Portal site, and you can also share read-only access to buildings and assets (see image below). Customers can submit a Service Request from a Customer Portal site.

To create an organization for your customer, partner or third-party contractor, please contact the support team at

This feature optionally allows you to control the sharing of the details of the Asset Service History with the public who are not registered users of BuiltSpace. An anonymous user can scan a QR code and see the details of the last performed Inspection if you have permitted it from your Organization. You can control the level of details you want to share with the public by setting the Sharing Rules.

Active Collaboration of Data with Customers, Partners or Third Party Contractors

"Active" collaboration means sharing the Building with the customer, partner or third-party contractor organization. This would allow them to see/edit assets, submit their own inspections, and share that data back with you (to your organization) in a common, secure data environment.

To create an organization for your customer, partner or third-party contractor, please contact the support team at To learn more about how to share a building with another organization, click here.

Use - Case Example :

BuiltSpace is employed to streamline collaboration among various stakeholders in a large construction project, including mechanical and electrical contractors, the general contractor, the facilities manager, the building owner, and other key stakeholders. The mechanical contractor installs a pump and records the details in BuiltSpace, which the electrical contractor then accesses to complete the necessary hookups. This centralized data system ensures that each contractor's work is logged and monitored in real-time, enabling efficient progression from installation to ongoing maintenance.

This integrated approach significantly enhances project efficiency by ensuring all parties have immediate access to the latest updates, reducing communication errors and redundant work. The platform allows for continuous updates, maintaining a comprehensive service history that aids in regulatory compliance and operational maintenance, which is particularly useful for the facilities manager and building owner in the long-term management of the building. This scenario demonstrates how BuiltSpace facilitates seamless integration and communication across diverse teams, driving transparency and accountability throughout the project lifecycle.

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