Creating a Sharing Rule
  • 15 Mar 2023
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Creating a Sharing Rule

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Article summary

This article will teach you how to create a Sharing Rule

1. From the Sharing Rules page, click on the Add Sharing Rule +.

2. Fill in the details in the form presented to you. Each field is explained in more detail below.

A - Type

Select the type of work you want to share. There are two options to choose from: Inspection or a Safety Form.

B - Work Category

Use this to define the type of work you want to share.

C - Building Group

Select the group of buildings whose work you want to share.

D - Who do want to share with?

This setting gives you the option to share the work with another organization (usually your customer), or the public (i.e. anonymous users).

E - How much info do you want to share?

There are 6 levels of sharing permissions (i.e. Access Level). Each level defines the amount of information you would like to share. Each level is explained in more detail in this article.

3. Click on Save new Rule when done.

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