Asset Details Overview
  • 11 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Asset Details Overview

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Article Summary


The Asset Details Overview is a powerful feature in BuiltSpace that offers users an in-depth view of their assets. This feature provides a holistic overview of an asset's vital information, allowing users to make informed decisions and streamline asset management. In this article, we will explore the key components of the Asset Details Overview and how they contribute to a more efficient and organized asset management process.

Key Components of the Asset Details Overview:

1. Last Service Date:

The Last Service Date is a critical piece of information that allows users to track when an asset was last serviced or maintained. This date provides insights into the asset's maintenance history and helps in planning future service schedules. By having this information readily available, users can ensure assets are adequately maintained, reducing downtime and prolonging asset lifespan.

2. Active Issues:

The Count of Issues section provides an overview of any reported problems or issues associated with the asset. This feature allows users to quickly assess the asset's condition and prioritize maintenance tasks. Tracking and addressing issues promptly enhances asset performance and safety.

3. Next Upcoming Task:

Knowing the next task or maintenance activity scheduled for an asset is crucial for effective asset management. The Next Upcoming Task feature ensures that users are aware of pending maintenance, inspections, or other activities related to the asset. This proactive approach helps prevent disruptions and ensures assets remain in optimal working condition.

4. Mini Map with Geo-Location:

The inclusion of a mini-map with geo-location data provides users with a visual representation of an asset's physical location. This feature is particularly valuable for assets spread across different locations or large facilities. Users can quickly pinpoint asset locations, facilitating efficient on-site navigation and task assignment.

5. Information and Asset Properties Table:


You can now edit asset details in the Admin Portal. Any assets edited in the Admin Portal will no longer be editable in the Web App.


  • The Information Table offers a comprehensive summary of the asset's specifications and attributes. It includes essential details such as listed below. You can also edit these details by clicking on the pencil icon.

    • Model number

    • Serial number

    • Manufacturer

    • Matching Procedures: For organizations that have migrated to the new Procedure Designer on the Admin Portal, the Asset Details Overview ensures continuity by displaying any matching procedures associated with the asset.

  • Asset Properties can be updated by integrated systems or by techs in the field (using Procedures) so you can see current data. This organized presentation of asset properties streamlines asset identification and supports better decision-making regarding maintenance, replacement, or upgrades.

    • Add Property: You can add a new Asset Property by filling out the Property Group, Property Name and Value and clicking “CREATE”.


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